Day 57 – 20 July – New York City

Today Shirley and I caught the bus from Quakertown, PA to New York City, NY.  Chuck from the campground took us to the bus stop so that we could leave the bikes in camp. After arriving in NYC we had breakfast at the Westway Diner, then we pre-checked in at the hotel and checked our bag. As we walked down the street we found the M&M and Hershey’s store.  We caught the subway down to the 9/11 Memorial and Westfield mall.  Then we took the subway back to 34th street and went to the top of the Empire State building.  When we finished we walked up to Rockefeller Center and Radio city Music Hall.  After all of these tourist activities went back to the hotel and checked in to our room and picked up our bag and relaxed until Leatha, Janna, and Matt arrived and then we walked to dinner and had a good dinner and a great visit with my cousin Janna and her husband Matt, and my cousin Leatha.  After Janna, Matt, and Leatha headed home we walked down to Times Square.

The statue of “M”
9/11 Fire station memorial
9/11 Memorial
One World Trade Center
Empire State Building
Radio City Music Hall