Day 62 – 25 July – Family Day

Today Stephanie picked Shirley and I up at our camp and we spent the day with her until she went to work.  She took us over to her squadron at Naval Station Norfolk where she works on H-60 Sea Hawks, she then took us to the piers, the Navy Exchange, and to NAS Oceana.  We had a good visit and wish Stephanie well in her military career.  When we returned to camp we had a visitor(see photo).  We then rode over to my aunt and uncles where we visited until it was time for dinner.  We met my cousin and her family for dinner.  At dinner we had my uncle Dennis, aunt Liane, my cousin Daniela, her husband James, their 2 daughters Elora and Eliza, Shirley, and I.  We had a good visit and enjoyed seeing everyone.  21 Miles

Todays visitor.