Day 3 – May 27 – Exploring Vancouver, BC

Shirley and I left camp early this morning and met up with 5 members of chapter BC-A for breakfast and coffee.  After our visit, we headed for Steveston, BC to explore and have a bite to eat.  We visited the fisherman’s wharf and the Gulf of Georgia Cannery museum.  Then we headed over to Stanley park, drove through Chinatown and then back to camp for some house cleaning and rest before we travel tomorrow. The weather is still beautiful in the high 70’s to low 80’s and clear skies.  82 Miles

Steveston Docks
Get to work!
Who’s watching the helm?

One thought on “Day 3 – May 27 – Exploring Vancouver, BC”

  1. We are following your progress and again recommend you take Highway 16 (Yellow Head Route) to see Western Canada at its best.
    Safe travels,
    Your Farm Museum friend Syd

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