ABCity Tour – Trip 2

On Friday and Saturday, 21 and 22 April 2017, I rode 1119 miles and was able to stop at 9 more “S” cities.  On Friday I left Vancouver and rode to Heppner Junction turning south on Hwy 74 to Heppner, I departed Heppner on Willow Creek Rd.  After riding about 15 miles I ran into snow and had to turn around back to Heppner, I continued out Hwy 74 to Hwy 395 and went south to Hwy 344 stopping in Starkey on the way to La Grande. When I left La Grande, I stopped in Summerville, and Stanfield.

On Saturday I attended the Chapter H Goldwing Road Riders (GWRRA) gathering, after the gathering I departed south on I-84 to Baker City and Hwy 7 to Sumpter.  From Sumpter I continued to Hwy 26 and turned on Hwy 395 to Seneca and Silvies.  I returned to Hwy 26 and continued East to Hwy 19 stopping in Spray, Service creek and Fossil for a bite to eat.  I left Fossil on Hwy 218 to Shaniko and continued home on Hwy 97 to Hwy 26.