Day 67 – 30 July – Historic Charleston

Shirley and I utilized Uber again today to go into historic Charleston.  We took a carriage ride through historic Charleston learning about the city, the architecture, and the history.

Single family dwelling with servant quarters in the rear.
Wentworth mansion
Vern and Shirley
The pastel colors in the french quarter.

Day 66 – 29 July – Fort Sumpter

Today Shirley and I took Uber down to Patriot Point for our tour of Ft. Sumter.  We boarded the boat with about 10 minutes to spare.  The interpretive cruise over and back was very informative.  When we arrived at Ft. Sumter we walked through the museum and wandered through the remains of the fort.

Welcome to Fort Sumter.
Fort Sumter.
Cannon at Fort Sumter.
USS Yorktown
Navy River Boat.
Army helicopter.

Day 65 – 28 July – Goldsboro, NC to Charleston, SC

Today we traveled 271 miles from Goldsboro, NC to Charleston, SC.  We traveled through Clinton, Conway, and Georgetown.  We stopped in China Chill for fuel and a stretch break.  After arriving at Charleston AFB we checked into the Famcamp and stopped at outdoor recreation to purchase tickets for Fort Sumpter and a carriage ride of historic Charleston.

Camp in South Carolina.

Day 64 – 27 July – Virginia Beach, VA to Goldsboro, NC

Shirley and I traveled 308 miles today from Virginia Beach, VA to Goldsboro, NC.  We stopped at the Kitty Hawk National Park, continued down the outer banks to Whalebone and crossed over Roanoke island and down the coast to Engelhard and on to Goldsboro.  When we arrived at Goldsboro we met NC-C2 District Couple George and Brenda Harper and MEC’s Charles and Sue Langley.  After talking for awhile we continued to the Seymour-Johnson Air Force base famcamp for the night.

Kitty Hawk memorial.
Sculpture of the flight.
Hangers and flight markers.

Day 63 – 26 July – Virginia Beach

Today Shirley and I went into Virginia Beach for breakfast we then walked out onto the pier and back along the boardwalk stopping at the life saving station museum and continued down to the King Neptune statue.  We stopped at the Navy memorial and then went to the Jungle Putt-Putt golf.  We met my uncle and aunt, Dennis and Liane, for dinner at Abbey Road Pub and had a good visit before returning to camp.  33 Miles.

View of Virginia Beach from the pier.
I’m feeling a little small today.
Life Saving Station museum.
King Neptune.

Day 62 – 25 July – Family Day

Today Stephanie picked Shirley and I up at our camp and we spent the day with her until she went to work.  She took us over to her squadron at Naval Station Norfolk where she works on H-60 Sea Hawks, she then took us to the piers, the Navy Exchange, and to NAS Oceana.  We had a good visit and wish Stephanie well in her military career.  When we returned to camp we had a visitor(see photo).  We then rode over to my aunt and uncles where we visited until it was time for dinner.  We met my cousin and her family for dinner.  At dinner we had my uncle Dennis, aunt Liane, my cousin Daniela, her husband James, their 2 daughters Elora and Eliza, Shirley, and I.  We had a good visit and enjoyed seeing everyone.  21 Miles

Todays visitor.

Day 61 – 24 July – Dover, DE to Virginia Beach, VA

Today we traveled 211 miles from Dover, DE to Virginia Beach, VA.  We were able to get an early start from Dover and headed south on highway 1 stopping in Rehoboth Beach, DE for breakfast and to walk on the boardwalk.  We continued south onto highway 13 across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel stopping at the viewpoint and pier continuing to our campsite at Joint Expeditionary Base – Little Creek / Fort Story.  It was a very easy ride today and we were off the road early.

Rehoboth Beach
Chesapeake Bay from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel viewpoint.
Pier on the CBBT.
View of Norfolk from the CBBT.

Day 60 – 23 July – St Michaels, MD

Shirley and I took a day ride over to St. Michaels, MD and back to Dover.  We had breakfast in St. Michaels and then we spent several hours at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. The total ride was 131 miles and we are over 9,000 miles for the trip so far.

Boat used to explore the Chesapeake Bay from the Jamestown settlement.
Steam engine
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
Those are some mighty big boots to fill.

Day 57 – 20 July – New York City

Today Shirley and I caught the bus from Quakertown, PA to New York City, NY.  Chuck from the campground took us to the bus stop so that we could leave the bikes in camp. After arriving in NYC we had breakfast at the Westway Diner, then we pre-checked in at the hotel and checked our bag. As we walked down the street we found the M&M and Hershey’s store.  We caught the subway down to the 9/11 Memorial and Westfield mall.  Then we took the subway back to 34th street and went to the top of the Empire State building.  When we finished we walked up to Rockefeller Center and Radio city Music Hall.  After all of these tourist activities went back to the hotel and checked in to our room and picked up our bag and relaxed until Leatha, Janna, and Matt arrived and then we walked to dinner and had a good dinner and a great visit with my cousin Janna and her husband Matt, and my cousin Leatha.  After Janna, Matt, and Leatha headed home we walked down to Times Square.

The statue of “M”
9/11 Fire station memorial
9/11 Memorial
One World Trade Center
Empire State Building
Radio City Music Hall


Day 56 – 19 July – Philidelphia

T0day we caught a train into Philidelphia, PA.  We took the motorcycles into Lansdale and caught the train into town.  We departed the train at Jefferson station and walked to the Independence Visitor center, from there we walked to the National Constitution center.  The National Constitution center had an exhibit on prohibition, then we went into The Kimmel Theater and watched “We The People” and toured the Museum and Signers Hall and saw a rare public copy of the original constitution.  Then we walked over to Independence Hall and took the tour. This was a full day and we were glad to get back to camp. 39 Miles

Prohibition automobile.
What trouble did you get into this time?
Tree of prominent people.
Independence Hall
View from Congress Hall.

Day 55 – 18 July – Doylestown

Shirley and I rode 56 miles to visit Doylestown, PA.  While in Doylestown we went to the Mercer Museum and the Fonthill Castle.  Fonthill Castle was built between 1908 and 1912 by Henry Chapman Mercer and is believed to be the first concrete house built in the united states.  Both the museum and the castle were very interesting and we learned a lot about Henry Mercer.

Mercer Museum
Mercer Museum
Mercer Museum
Mercer Museum
Fonthill Castle
Fonthill Castle
Monrovian Pottery and Tile building.
Moods covered bridge.